In todo.sql we have seen how to create simple views with the Canonical Context (ccontext) and the Canonical Project (cproject).

Doing this, works most of the time and it behaves like some other todo.txt clients (e.g. Simpletask).

However, if you want to be more precise, you should use the context set.

-- 🚀 most_important tasks
-- Say you want to exclude some contexts from your view.
-- You could try:
select *
from active_tasks
where ccontext not in ('@tv', '@gameboy')
-- ... but it wouldn't be quite right. For example, it would match the todo:
--    '@home @tv watch last episode of south park'
-- ... since '@home' would be the todo's Canonical Context (`ccontext`), and '@home'
-- is not in ('@tv', '@gameboy')
-- Instead, the right way to do it in tudor is to use the `contexts` set:
select *
from active_tasks
where not (contexts && ('@tv', '@gameboy'))

-- Sets in tudor work similarly to Arrays in PostgreSQL, but the only operators
-- supported are: @>, <@, and &&.
-- See the pg docs for more info:

-- Some other examples:

-- 📮 inbox
select *
from todo_txt
where is_empty(contexts)

-- 👓 selecting from other views
select *
from active_tasks
-- tasks that are either in +proj1 *or* +prj2 (or in both)
where projects && ('+proj1', '+proj2')

-- 🔮 future tasks
select * from todo_txt
where contexts && ('@@blocked', '@@maybe')
  or threshold_date > date('today')

-- 🛑 blocked tasks
select *
from todo_txt
where contexts && ('@@blocked')
  or is_blocked = true