todo.sql is a SQL-y language to select todos. You can use it to create new views for tudor-tui/tudor-cli or to perform analytics on your todo.txt/done.txt/someday.txt.


Note, these queries work, but if you want full control over contexts and projects, see Sets in todo.sql

-- NOTE: field names:
--       ccontext = canonical ctx (alphabetically first)
--       cproject = canonical prj (alphabetically first)
-- NOTE: table names:
--       - todo_txt is the name of the "table" holding all the todos
--       - done_txt
--       - someday_txt

-- 📮 inbox
select *
from todo_txt
where ccontext is null

-- 🚀 active tasks `active_tasks`
select *
from todo_txt
  ccontext not in ('@@delegated', '@@blocked', '@@maybe')
  and (
    threshold_date is null
    or threshold_date  <= date('today')

-- 👓 selecting from other views
select *
from active_tasks
where project in ('+proj1', '+proj2')

-- active tasks by @context
select *
from active_tasks
-- NOTE: only single grouping supported;

-- NOTE: group behaves differently than SQL, it determines the sections in the
--       main view;
group by ccontext
-- the todos are sorted by within section
order by priority

-- active tasks by +project
select *
from active_tasks
group by project
order by priority

-- 🔮 future tasks
select * from todo_txt
-- NOTE: this works because @@blocked would be the canonical ctx for something
--       tagged with a normal tag (e.g., @home)
where ccontext in ('@@blocked', '@@maybe')
  or threshold_date > date('today')

-- 🛑 blocked tasks
select *
from todo_txt
where ccontext in ('@@blocked')
  or is_blocked = true

-- ✋ blocking tasks
select *
from todo_txt
where is_blocking_for is not null
order by length(is_blocking_for) desc

-- list all projects
select distinct project
from todo_txt

-- active projects
select distinct project
from todo_txt
where ccontext not in ('@@blocked')

-- 👻 hidden todos
select *
from todo_txt
where is_hidden = true

-- **`TODO:`** ??? blocked projects (i.e. projects where all tasks are stuck)

-- selecting from other files
select *
from done_txt -- it just looks for filenames where s/_/./g

-- accessible fields
-- ???: maybe we just return everything all the time for now?
  ( full_text -- full, raw todo string
  , is_completed
  , is_blocking_for -- set: `id`s of tasks that depend on this
  , is_blocked -- does not depend on incomplete todo(s)
  , creation_date
  , completion_date
  , priority
  , ccontext -- canonical ctx (alphabetically first)
  , contexts -- set: all ctxs
  , cproject -- canonical prj
  , projects -- set: all prjs
  , due_date
  , threshold_date
  , is_hidden
  from todo_txt


🧱 Building aids